The true meaning of independence

The true meaning of independence

It is human nature to yearn for freedom, free from the shackles of one kind or another. Every year as we celebrate Pakistan’s Independence Day with a patriotic spirit, we are reminded of the value of freedom.

This year we conducted a programme to drive home the message that “despite seventy years as an independent nation, we are still in the cage of drugs.”

Through this event, we related the freedom from drugs with freedom from an unkind and unjust nation. The thought of “setting the captives free” as portrayed in Luke 4:18-19 is central to our mission. It actually draws a picture of a person who is freed from the cage of drugs.

We distributed pamphlets and literature about eradicating the drug scourge, in different events and especially among youth groups in the community. We have also conducted regular awareness sessions on the dangers of drugs at various institutions and one-on-one counselling for the inmates at our centre.

Rehabilitated members are the fruit of our centre, and we celebrate them with dinners and flowers.

The war on drugs is long and arduous. But fight we will, till our last breath to make this nation of ours drug free. Ultimate joy will come when we celebrate our independence one day without the drug menace playing in our minds.

Please pray for the drug addicts undergoing treatment, staff involved in their rehabilitation, families suffering from the drug problem and new funding for our programmes.

— Anila Justine, Pakistan, Co-MP with AsiaCMS.